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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is Pet Pain Away?
A. Pet Pain Away provides all-natural anti-inflammatory analgesic pain relief that is non-toxic, non-narcotic, non-steroidal and contains no aspirin or acetaminophen. Safe to use on pets, it treats conditions that cause chronic pain in animals.
Q. Is Pet Pain Away approved by the FDA?
A. Pet Pain Away is an FDA product listed natural medicine and uses an OTC formulation. The active homeopathic ingredients are officially recognized, as listed in the HPUS and Homeopathic Materia Medica. The FDA has regulated homeopathic medicine since 1938 by means of the guidelines in the HPUS, as per the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Said regulation is conducted in the same manner as that of nonprescription OTC drugs, according to The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). Pet Pain Away is manufactured and packaged following the FDA's Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP).
Q. What is HPUS?
A. The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) is a compilation of standards for the components and preparation of homeopathic drugs. It has been in continuous publication since 1897, and became the official U.S. homeopathic regulatory guideline in 1938, as stated in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The HPUS is compiled by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States (HPCUS), which is a non-governmental, non-profit scientific organization of experts trained and experienced in the field of homeopathy. The HPCUS works closely with the FDA and U.S. homeopathic organizations. The active homeopathic ingredients in Pet Pain Away are listed in the HPUS, and are therefore officially recognized.
Q. What is "Materia Medica"?
A. "Materia Medica" (Latin) refers to a body of information about medical knowledge. At NutraPharma, we refer to specific Materia Medica that contain information on homeopathic ingredients. In general, we refer to William Boericke's Homeopathic Materia Medica and Nature's Materia Medica by Murphy.
Q. How do I give my pet Pet Pain Away?
A. Directions are included on the label. You can add Pet Pain Away to your pet's food or water, or serve it directly into your pet's mouth.
Q. How often do I give my pet Pet Pain Away?
A. Directions are included on the label. It is very important that you keep your pet on a consistent program to experience maximum benefits.
Q. How much Pet Pain Away will my pet need?
A. Directions are included on the label.
Q. How long does one Tube of Pet Pain Away last?
A. A single Tube of Pet Pain Away is 4 oz of liquid and will last approximately one month, depending on the individual weight and health of your pet.
Q. How soon can I expect to see the results of Pet Pain Away in my pet?
A. Customers who give their pet Pet Pain Away should expect to see a noticeable difference in their pet's activity level within just a few days. We encourage you to give your pet Pet Pain Away daily for 30 days to begin seeing your pet experience the results desired. If you cannot see improvement in the first 30 days, you are welcome to take advantage of our 60-day satisfaction guarantee and return the product. If you do see some improvement in your pet, however, we recommend that you have your pet stay with the program for 3-6 months to receive the desired results. Please see our 60-day return policy.
Q. How safe is Pet Pain Away?
A. Pet Pain Away is made with natural ingredients and is formulated to be safe. Pet Pain Away has no reported side effects or drug interactions, and may be used in conjunction with your pet's current OTC or prescription medications and supplements.
Q. Has Pet Pain Away been clinically tested?
A. The individual ingredients in Pet Pain Away have claims based on the Homeopathic Materia Medica. As a composite formulation, however, Pet Pain Away has not been tested.
Q. Can my pet safely take Pet Pain Away with medications?
A. The ingredients in Pet Pain Away are natural and safe to use in conjunction with any other product. We recommend you consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns.
Q. Is it safe to give my pet Pet Pain Away if all my pets drink from the same water bowl?
A. Pet Pain Away is natural and completely safe for all pets - even if they don't have arthritis. But if you're still worried about your other pets, you can just give the daily dosage directly into your pet's mouth.
Q. What is "Natural Medicine?"
A. As a natural medicine, Pet Pain Away safely activates the body's natural relief and balance mechanisms, unlike many other OTC formulations that rely on chemical responses to activate or block healing responses, and come with notable side effects, as indicated per their product indications.
Natural medicine is safe, and the ingredients in Pet Pain Away are regulated by the FDA according to the guidelines for OTC homeopathic formulation. While "natural" implies indications about the ingredients (Pet Pain Away does contain natural active homeopathic ingredients), "natural medicine" more accurately refers to how the medicine works.
Q. What is the "law of similars?"
A. The "law of similars" is the idea that like relieves like. Homeopathy demonstrates that a substance that produces a certain set of symptoms in a healthy person can relieve the same symptoms in a sick person experiencing them. The homeopathic medicine is diluted to such minute doses that the ingredients are very safe.
Q. What exactly is homeopathy?
A. Homeopathy is a safe and natural form of medicine that uses safe, naturally occurring substances to relieve symptoms of self-limiting conditions in the body. Observing the homeopathic dilution process per regulatory guidelines, we formulate the active ingredients in Pet Pain Away for safe relief from pain and pain-related symptoms.
Q. What is the homeopathic dilution process?
A. Homeopathic medicines are believed to be more effective when the active ingredients are diluted. This is the minimum dose approach to homeopathy. The purpose of potency is to dilute the product until it can do no harm to a person. Homeopathic drug potency is indicated by such terms as "10X," "30X," and "LM1." These refer to the amount of times and by what ratio the base substance has been diluted.
Q. Is Pet Pain Away a cure?
A. Pet Pain Away is a natural medicine that works to relieve pain symptoms, but it is not a cure. Instead, Pet Pain Away is intended as a component of your pet's healthy lifestyle, safely relieving your pet's symptoms. Choose whole, fresh foods, clean pure water, and plenty of positive reinforcement and activity for your pet and you will naturally increase the effectiveness of Pet Pain Away and the overall health of your pet.
Q. What are symptoms?
A. Symptoms are the aspects of illness that you can see in your pet; they are the way your pet's body responds to an underlying problem. Although they tend to be negative manifestations, they are actually good in the sense that they alert your pet’s body that something is wrong. Pet Pain Away is intended to help relieve the negative symptoms your pet is experiencing. When your pet is no longer hindered by uncomfortable symptoms, your pet will be able to restore its body to its healthy balance.
Q. Is Pet Pain Away a drug?
A. Because the ingredients in Pet Pain Away meet the "Criteria for Eligibility of Drugs for Inclusion in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States(HPUS)," and that the HPUS is an officially recognized compendium of homeopathic drugs by the FDA, Pet Pain Away is considered an OTC Homeopathic drug. Therefore, it has to comply with the Labeling Guidelines of the FDA. Homeopathic products have been considered drug products since 1938, as stated in the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. It is important to note that, although Pet Pain Away is technically considered a homeopathic drug (remedy) by law, its ingredients are natural and safe for supporting your pet's body's healthy balance. Pet Pain Away is not intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease.
Q. I still have more questions, who can I ask?
A. We are happy to answer your questions when you email service@NutraPharma.com.
Q. Do you sell internationally?
A. Yes. However, all of our products sold internationally are meant for personal use - up to a 90 day supply of any one product may be purchased. We ship via USPS to all international addresses. Customs restrictions and warranty issues prevent us from shipping to every international location. Customers are responsible for any additional Customs fees. It is your responsibility to check with your Customs Office to see if your country permits the importation of our products. If you are not sure, please contact the Customs Office in your country before ordering a product, as we are not responsible for such charges.
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Home :
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is Pet Pain Away?
A. Pet Pain Away provides all-natural anti-inflammatory analgesic pain relief that is non-toxic, non-narcotic, non-steroidal and contains no aspirin or acetaminophen. Safe to use on pets, it treats conditions that cause chronic pain in animals.
Q. Is Pet Pain Away approved by the FDA?
A. Pet Pain Away is an FDA product listed natural medicine and uses an OTC formulation. The active homeopathic ingredients are officially recognized, as listed in the HPUS and Homeopathic Materia Medica. The FDA has regulated homeopathic medicine since 1938 by means of the guidelines in the HPUS, as per the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Said regulation is conducted in the same manner as that of nonprescription OTC drugs, according to The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). Pet Pain Away is manufactured and packaged following the FDA's Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP).
Q. What is HPUS?
A. The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) is a compilation of standards for the components and preparation of homeopathic drugs. It has been in continuous publication since 1897, and became the official U.S. homeopathic regulatory guideline in 1938, as stated in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The HPUS is compiled by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States (HPCUS), which is a non-governmental, non-profit scientific organization of experts trained and experienced in the field of homeopathy. The HPCUS works closely with the FDA and U.S. homeopathic organizations. The active homeopathic ingredients in Pet Pain Away are listed in the HPUS, and are therefore officially recognized.
Q. What is "Materia Medica"?
A. "Materia Medica" (Latin) refers to a body of information about medical knowledge. At NutraPharma, we refer to specific Materia Medica that contain information on homeopathic ingredients. In general, we refer to William Boericke's Homeopathic Materia Medica and Nature's Materia Medica by Murphy.
Q. How do I give my pet Pet Pain Away?
A. Directions are included on the label. You can add Pet Pain Away to your pet's food or water, or serve it directly into your pet's mouth.
Q. How often do I give my pet Pet Pain Away?
A. Directions are included on the label. It is very important that you keep your pet on a consistent program to experience maximum benefits.
Q. How much Pet Pain Away will my pet need?
A. Directions are included on the label.
Q. How long does one Tube of Pet Pain Away last?
A. A single Tube of Pet Pain Away is 4 oz of liquid and will last approximately one month, depending on the individual weight and health of your pet.
Q. How soon can I expect to see the results of Pet Pain Away in my pet?
A. Customers who give their pet Pet Pain Away should expect to see a noticeable difference in their pet's activity level within just a few days. We encourage you to give your pet Pet Pain Away daily for 30 days to begin seeing your pet experience the results desired. If you cannot see improvement in the first 30 days, you are welcome to take advantage of our 60-day satisfaction guarantee and return the product. If you do see some improvement in your pet, however, we recommend that you have your pet stay with the program for 3-6 months to receive the desired results. Please see our 60-day return policy.
Q. How safe is Pet Pain Away?
A. Pet Pain Away is made with natural ingredients and is formulated to be safe. Pet Pain Away has no reported side effects or drug interactions, and may be used in conjunction with your pet's current OTC or prescription medications and supplements.
Q. Has Pet Pain Away been clinically tested?
A. The individual ingredients in Pet Pain Away have claims based on the Homeopathic Materia Medica. As a composite formulation, however, Pet Pain Away has not been tested.
Q. Can my pet safely take Pet Pain Away with medications?
A. The ingredients in Pet Pain Away are natural and safe to use in conjunction with any other product. We recommend you consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns.
Q. Is it safe to give my pet Pet Pain Away if all my pets drink from the same water bowl?
A. Pet Pain Away is natural and completely safe for all pets - even if they don't have arthritis. But if you're still worried about your other pets, you can just give the daily dosage directly into your pet's mouth.
Q. What is "Natural Medicine?"
A. As a natural medicine, Pet Pain Away safely activates the body's natural relief and balance mechanisms, unlike many other OTC formulations that rely on chemical responses to activate or block healing responses, and come with notable side effects, as indicated per their product indications.
Natural medicine is safe, and the ingredients in Pet Pain Away are regulated by the FDA according to the guidelines for OTC homeopathic formulation. While "natural" implies indications about the ingredients (Pet Pain Away does contain natural active homeopathic ingredients), "natural medicine" more accurately refers to how the medicine works.
Q. What is the "law of similars?"
A. The "law of similars" is the idea that like relieves like. Homeopathy demonstrates that a substance that produces a certain set of symptoms in a healthy person can relieve the same symptoms in a sick person experiencing them. The homeopathic medicine is diluted to such minute doses that the ingredients are very safe.
Q. What exactly is homeopathy?
A. Homeopathy is a safe and natural form of medicine that uses safe, naturally occurring substances to relieve symptoms of self-limiting conditions in the body. Observing the homeopathic dilution process per regulatory guidelines, we formulate the active ingredients in Pet Pain Away for safe relief from pain and pain-related symptoms.
Q. What is the homeopathic dilution process?
A. Homeopathic medicines are believed to be more effective when the active ingredients are diluted. This is the minimum dose approach to homeopathy. The purpose of potency is to dilute the product until it can do no harm to a person. Homeopathic drug potency is indicated by such terms as "10X," "30X," and "LM1." These refer to the amount of times and by what ratio the base substance has been diluted.
Q. Is Pet Pain Away a cure?
A. Pet Pain Away is a natural medicine that works to relieve pain symptoms, but it is not a cure. Instead, Pet Pain Away is intended as a component of your pet's healthy lifestyle, safely relieving your pet's symptoms. Choose whole, fresh foods, clean pure water, and plenty of positive reinforcement and activity for your pet and you will naturally increase the effectiveness of Pet Pain Away and the overall health of your pet.
Q. What are symptoms?
A. Symptoms are the aspects of illness that you can see in your pet; they are the way your pet's body responds to an underlying problem. Although they tend to be negative manifestations, they are actually good in the sense that they alert your pet’s body that something is wrong. Pet Pain Away is intended to help relieve the negative symptoms your pet is experiencing. When your pet is no longer hindered by uncomfortable symptoms, your pet will be able to restore its body to its healthy balance.
Q. Is Pet Pain Away a drug?
A. Because the ingredients in Pet Pain Away meet the "Criteria for Eligibility of Drugs for Inclusion in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States(HPUS)," and that the HPUS is an officially recognized compendium of homeopathic drugs by the FDA, Pet Pain Away is considered an OTC Homeopathic drug. Therefore, it has to comply with the Labeling Guidelines of the FDA. Homeopathic products have been considered drug products since 1938, as stated in the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. It is important to note that, although Pet Pain Away is technically considered a homeopathic drug (remedy) by law, its ingredients are natural and safe for supporting your pet's body's healthy balance. Pet Pain Away is not intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease.
Q. I still have more questions, who can I ask?
A. We are happy to answer your questions when you email service@NutraPharma.com.
Q. Do you sell internationally?
A. Yes. However, all of our products sold internationally are meant for personal use - up to a 90 day supply of any one product may be purchased. We ship via USPS to all international addresses. Customs restrictions and warranty issues prevent us from shipping to every international location. Customers are responsible for any additional Customs fees. It is your responsibility to check with your Customs Office to see if your country permits the importation of our products. If you are not sure, please contact the Customs Office in your country before ordering a product, as we are not responsible for such charges.
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Home :
Products :
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is Pet Pain Away?
A. Pet Pain Away provides all-natural anti-inflammatory analgesic pain relief that is non-toxic, non-narcotic, non-steroidal and contains no aspirin or acetaminophen. Safe to use on pets, it treats conditions that cause chronic pain in animals.
Q. Is Pet Pain Away approved by the FDA?
A. Pet Pain Away is an FDA product listed natural medicine and uses an OTC formulation. The active homeopathic ingredients are officially recognized, as listed in the HPUS and Homeopathic Materia Medica. The FDA has regulated homeopathic medicine since 1938 by means of the guidelines in the HPUS, as per the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Said regulation is conducted in the same manner as that of nonprescription OTC drugs, according to The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). Pet Pain Away is manufactured and packaged following the FDA's Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP).
Q. What is HPUS?
A. The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) is a compilation of standards for the components and preparation of homeopathic drugs. It has been in continuous publication since 1897, and became the official U.S. homeopathic regulatory guideline in 1938, as stated in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The HPUS is compiled by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States (HPCUS), which is a non-governmental, non-profit scientific organization of experts trained and experienced in the field of homeopathy. The HPCUS works closely with the FDA and U.S. homeopathic organizations. The active homeopathic ingredients in Pet Pain Away are listed in the HPUS, and are therefore officially recognized.
Q. What is "Materia Medica"?
A. "Materia Medica" (Latin) refers to a body of information about medical knowledge. At NutraPharma, we refer to specific Materia Medica that contain information on homeopathic ingredients. In general, we refer to William Boericke's Homeopathic Materia Medica and Nature's Materia Medica by Murphy.
Q. How do I give my pet Pet Pain Away?
A. Directions are included on the label. You can add Pet Pain Away to your pet's food or water, or serve it directly into your pet's mouth.
Q. How often do I give my pet Pet Pain Away?
A. Directions are included on the label. It is very important that you keep your pet on a consistent program to experience maximum benefits.
Q. How much Pet Pain Away will my pet need?
A. Directions are included on the label.
Q. How long does one Tube of Pet Pain Away last?
A. A single Tube of Pet Pain Away is 4 oz of liquid and will last approximately one month, depending on the individual weight and health of your pet.
Q. How soon can I expect to see the results of Pet Pain Away in my pet?
A. Customers who give their pet Pet Pain Away should expect to see a noticeable difference in their pet's activity level within just a few days. We encourage you to give your pet Pet Pain Away daily for 30 days to begin seeing your pet experience the results desired. If you cannot see improvement in the first 30 days, you are welcome to take advantage of our 60-day satisfaction guarantee and return the product. If you do see some improvement in your pet, however, we recommend that you have your pet stay with the program for 3-6 months to receive the desired results. Please see our 60-day return policy.
Q. How safe is Pet Pain Away?
A. Pet Pain Away is made with natural ingredients and is formulated to be safe. Pet Pain Away has no reported side effects or drug interactions, and may be used in conjunction with your pet's current OTC or prescription medications and supplements.
Q. Has Pet Pain Away been clinically tested?
A. The individual ingredients in Pet Pain Away have claims based on the Homeopathic Materia Medica. As a composite formulation, however, Pet Pain Away has not been tested.
Q. Can my pet safely take Pet Pain Away with medications?
A. The ingredients in Pet Pain Away are natural and safe to use in conjunction with any other product. We recommend you consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns.
Q. Is it safe to give my pet Pet Pain Away if all my pets drink from the same water bowl?
A. Pet Pain Away is natural and completely safe for all pets - even if they don't have arthritis. But if you're still worried about your other pets, you can just give the daily dosage directly into your pet's mouth.
Q. What is "Natural Medicine?"
A. As a natural medicine, Pet Pain Away safely activates the body's natural relief and balance mechanisms, unlike many other OTC formulations that rely on chemical responses to activate or block healing responses, and come with notable side effects, as indicated per their product indications.
Natural medicine is safe, and the ingredients in Pet Pain Away are regulated by the FDA according to the guidelines for OTC homeopathic formulation. While "natural" implies indications about the ingredients (Pet Pain Away does contain natural active homeopathic ingredients), "natural medicine" more accurately refers to how the medicine works.
Q. What is the "law of similars?"
A. The "law of similars" is the idea that like relieves like. Homeopathy demonstrates that a substance that produces a certain set of symptoms in a healthy person can relieve the same symptoms in a sick person experiencing them. The homeopathic medicine is diluted to such minute doses that the ingredients are very safe.
Q. What exactly is homeopathy?
A. Homeopathy is a safe and natural form of medicine that uses safe, naturally occurring substances to relieve symptoms of self-limiting conditions in the body. Observing the homeopathic dilution process per regulatory guidelines, we formulate the active ingredients in Pet Pain Away for safe relief from pain and pain-related symptoms.
Q. What is the homeopathic dilution process?
A. Homeopathic medicines are believed to be more effective when the active ingredients are diluted. This is the minimum dose approach to homeopathy. The purpose of potency is to dilute the product until it can do no harm to a person. Homeopathic drug potency is indicated by such terms as "10X," "30X," and "LM1." These refer to the amount of times and by what ratio the base substance has been diluted.
Q. Is Pet Pain Away a cure?
A. Pet Pain Away is a natural medicine that works to relieve pain symptoms, but it is not a cure. Instead, Pet Pain Away is intended as a component of your pet's healthy lifestyle, safely relieving your pet's symptoms. Choose whole, fresh foods, clean pure water, and plenty of positive reinforcement and activity for your pet and you will naturally increase the effectiveness of Pet Pain Away and the overall health of your pet.
Q. What are symptoms?
A. Symptoms are the aspects of illness that you can see in your pet; they are the way your pet's body responds to an underlying problem. Although they tend to be negative manifestations, they are actually good in the sense that they alert your pet’s body that something is wrong. Pet Pain Away is intended to help relieve the negative symptoms your pet is experiencing. When your pet is no longer hindered by uncomfortable symptoms, your pet will be able to restore its body to its healthy balance.
Q. Is Pet Pain Away a drug?
A. Because the ingredients in Pet Pain Away meet the "Criteria for Eligibility of Drugs for Inclusion in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States(HPUS)," and that the HPUS is an officially recognized compendium of homeopathic drugs by the FDA, Pet Pain Away is considered an OTC Homeopathic drug. Therefore, it has to comply with the Labeling Guidelines of the FDA. Homeopathic products have been considered drug products since 1938, as stated in the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. It is important to note that, although Pet Pain Away is technically considered a homeopathic drug (remedy) by law, its ingredients are natural and safe for supporting your pet's body's healthy balance. Pet Pain Away is not intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease.
Q. I still have more questions, who can I ask?
A. We are happy to answer your questions when you email service@NutraPharma.com.
Q. Do you sell internationally?
A. Yes. However, all of our products sold internationally are meant for personal use - up to a 90 day supply of any one product may be purchased. We ship via USPS to all international addresses. Customs restrictions and warranty issues prevent us from shipping to every international location. Customers are responsible for any additional Customs fees. It is your responsibility to check with your Customs Office to see if your country permits the importation of our products. If you are not sure, please contact the Customs Office in your country before ordering a product, as we are not responsible for such charges.